

BBS鄉民的正義 = Silent code
時間遺忘的天使 = Anita
Carnevale, Marcos
by: Carnevale, Marcos
楚浮vs.高達 = Two in the wave
Godard, Jean-Luc
王者之聲 = The king's speech : 宣戰時刻
Carter, Helena Bonham
巴比倫之子 = Son of babylon
Al-Daradji, Mohamed
by: Al-Daradji, Mohamed
愛情藥不藥 = Love and other drugs
茲維克 ((Zwick, Edward))
by: 茲維克 ((Zwick, Edward))
只愛多金男 = My one and only
Bacon, Kevin
愛情左右 = Fit lover
我孩子們的爸爸 = The father of my children
Hansen-Love, Mia
消失的子彈 = The bullet vanishes
春天的故事 = Conte de printemps
Quester, Hugues
Heigl, Katherine
by: Heigl, Katherine
阿嬤的小學堂 = Granny Goes to School
陳 光喬
夏天的故事 = Conte d'ete
Langlet, Amanda
秋天的故事 = Conte d'automne
Libolt, Alain
冬天的故事 = Conte d'hiver
Driessche, Frederic van den
by: Driessche, Frederic van den
失戀33天 = Love is not blind
米其林廚神 = Entre les Bras : 美味的傳承
Bras, Michel
紐約浮世繪 = Synecdoche, New York
Hoffman, Philip Seymour
by: Hoffman, Philip Seymour
貝禮一家 = La famille Belier
拉缇戈 ((Lartigau, Éric))
by: 拉缇戈 ((Lartigau, Éric))
愛情對白 = Certified copy
Binoche, Juliette
by: Binoche, Juliette
大英雄天團 = Big hero 6
Hall, Don
黑魔女:沉睡魔咒 = Maleficent
Fanning, Elle
關鍵性關係 = Amoureuse
Anglade, Jean-Hugues
by: Anglade, Jean-Hugues
資本遊戲 = Le capital
Byrne, Gabriel
by: Byrne, Gabriel
藥命俱樂部 = Dallas buyers club
瓦利 ((Vallee, Jean-Marc))
by: 瓦利 ((Vallee, Jean-Marc))
為愛出走 = Barbara
佩佐 ((Petzold, Christian) )
by: 佩佐 ((Petzold, Christian) )
懼乳:傷心的奶水 = The milk of sorrow
Llosa, Claudia
52個星期二 = 52 tuesdays
Cobham-Hervey, Tilda
by: Cobham-Hervey, Tilda
印度總舖師 : Jadoo
Ghir, Kulvinder
by: Ghir, Kulvinder
格雷的五十一道陰影 = Bound
孔恩 ((Cohn, Jared))
by: 孔恩 ((Cohn, Jared))
蜜 = Honey
Altas, Bora
by: Altas, Bora
一袋彈珠 = A bag of marbles
杜給 ((Duguay, Christian))
by: 杜給 ((Duguay, Christian))
大醫新鮮人 = The Freshmen
黎提 ((Lilti, Thomas))
by: 黎提 ((Lilti, Thomas))
我的嗝嗝老師 = Hichki
馬拉特拉 ((Malhotra, Siddharth) )
by: 馬拉特拉 ((Malhotra, Siddharth) )
蘇珊夫人尋婚計 = Love & friendship
伊塞凡妮 ((Sevigny,Chloe))
by: 伊塞凡妮 ((Sevigny,Chloe))
小貓巴克里 = Barkley
獨家腥聞 = Nightcrawler
Gilroy, Dan
悟空傳 = Wu Kong
by: 余文樂
by: [土反]井真紀
時空永恆的愛戀 = The age of adaline
Ford, Harrison
聽見下雨的聲音 = Rhythm of the rain
我的長崎母親 = 母と暮せば
阿達一族 = The Addams family
Isaac, Oscar
抱歉我們錯過你了 = Sorry we missed you
Hitchen, Kris
武士搬家好吃驚 = Samurai Shifters; 引っ越し大名!